Patient Centric Unit

Sermes CRO is a Patient Centric company, where we always work on all our studies positioning the patient at the center of the Research /scope.

Patient Centric Unit

Patients Up!


Patient Centric Unit

In Sermes CRO, we have developed our Patient Centric Unit with a multidisciplinary professional team in charge of giving support to our clients. We design studies giving more knowledge about patients, through PRO studies (patient reported Outcomes) and at the same time give us the possibility of  achieving the objective of giving voice to the patient´s real needs.

Our main objectives are:

  • Collaborate in the improvement of therapies and development of medicines that help patients, either through curing their disease or having a higher quality of life in chronic patients.
  • Supporting the training and empowerment of patients: Patient Expert
  • Collaborate with patients in all clinical research processes.
  • Generate value for all parties involved, helping to achieve a high knowledge of: pathologies and the socio-health environment. taking into account all points of view, the patient experience, the management of the health professional and
  • Promote greater knowledge and empathy with the patient, deepening in their day to day.

From our Sermes CRO Patient Centric Unit, we work and collaborate with different types of entities:

  • Patient Associations
  • Foundations and Government Institutions
  • Hospitals
  • Academy
  • Independent research
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Biotechnological
  • Patient Studies (qualitative or quantitative)
  • Validation of scales or questionnaires (modo disorder, health, etc)
  • Quality of Life Studies (QoL)
  • Patient Experience (Flow)
  • PRO (Patient Reported Outcomes) & RWE (Real world Evidence)
  • Patient Recruitment
  • Product Use Test
  • Post Marketing Surveillance
  • Training patients in clinical research
  • Certificado Sermes Patient Centric


Sermes Patient Trial

Patient’s wellbeing is the reason why clinical trials exist. In fact, new treatments and medicines are developed towards achieving people’s healthiest lives. The aim of medicines developers is to improve patient’s quality of life, solve their health problems or even making diseases disappear. However, after everything, patients are not always aware of what it takes to be part of a clinical trial.


Sermes Patient Trial is a broad informative project. It aims to make clinical trial’s knowledge available to everyone: both patients and their families. If you are a patient suffering from any pathology, we encourage you to follow us in our social networks. In our Facebook and Instagram profiles, you will learn about clinical trials, it’s risks and benefits, patient rights, how to find a clinical trial on your illness.. and so on. Because we are clear that patients must be the center of any clinical research!



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