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Scientific Publications

Espinos U, Fernandez-Abascal EG, Ovejero M, Lahera G. Social cognition in first-degree relatives of bipolar disorder: Theory of Mind and nonverbal sensitivity. PLoS One. 2021;16(3):e0246908.

Khodarahimi S, Karami A, Mazraeh N, Ghadampour E, Bruna MMO. Handedness, intelligence, visual-perceptual and motor functions in young adults. Current Psychology. 2021.

Ovejero M, Angulo Rodríguez J, Andújar Castillo E, Álvarez Alonso S, Herrera Baños L. PMH59 Validation of a screening instrument of addiction to fast food in Spanish general population. . Values in Health. 2019;22(S691).

Perez D, Stojanovich L, Naranjo L, Stanisavljevic N, Bogdanovic G, Serrano M, et al. Presence of Immune Complexes of IgG/IgM Bound to B2-glycoprotein I Is Associated With Non-criteria Clinical Manifestations in Patients With Antiphospholipid Syndrome. Front Immunol. 2018;9:2644.